Some folks begin preparing for the holiday by decorating from the outside then in. Ron and Sue Hughes have been having their three bay windows painted for Christmas for the last few years by Mindi Hall. The designs have been pared down to the ones they have come to favor the most over the years and placed in just such a way that the lights from within can help cast a special glow.
Mindi has been painting windows for the past eight years and is getting pretty busy as we approach December. She and her partner were finishing up in Renton and then heading off to Issaquah to do another home. The duo usually paint at two locations a day.
Mindi's window designs can also be seen at Doofer's Bar and Grill and the Noble Saloon here locally. She also designed and painted the mural at Mo's in the Highlands. Mindi travels throughout doing all types of businesses and homes windows and not just during winter. Mindi is painting all year 'round.
I remember growing up in an era when a lot of homes decorated their windows. If you were lucky, someone in the family had a good hand at creating a skillful scene, or you just used some stencils and flocked on a snow scene or two.
Isn't it looking great?
Finishing touches on the carolers.
See how the light from the living room lamp adds to the Nativity design?
Ron Hughes in front of one of his freshly painted windows. The family tree will form a colorful lighted backdrop to this window when it is put up.