Monday, June 8, 2009

Mathmetize me!

What do quilting and math problems have in common? Well, the 9th grade Geometry class at Hazen High School have figured that out - literally. Stop by Happy Delusions on South Third anytime this month and check out the construction paper quilts that hang on view. Each quilt is a creative approach to the students showing a number of math ideas they have learned throughout the year and each quilt has a different take on these instructions.

I applaud Mary Clymer, and her Dad, for having the project on prominent display in the store and for the hours it took for the two of them to get the quilts all situated. I love when two seemingly incompatible areas of interest and study collide. This would have made my math class days far more enjoyable!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out Lady P! The quilts have been getting a lot of attention, and will remain up through the end of the month.

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