Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Weekend Memories

Memorial Day Weekend in Renton - a couple of days strung together with a holiday and you get time to recreate and remember. Some, like our furry downtown friend Lucky, carries his spirit of the season with a red, white and blue collar. Go Lucky!

Others, like Bob Davis, hold a BBQ for friends and sundry, inviting them to come and swing some red and blue nunchucks to show their mad martial art skills. Bob assures me that girls like men with skills. Dina, Bob's wife, was unavailable for comment.

Many of us went to remember family members and friends who had served in the armed forces over the years for our country. Veterans of all wars were honored this day with flags, poppies, and the red, white and blue.

Mt. Olivet Cemetary, Renton's Pioneer Cemetery, is a beautiful and quiet place to visit and be reminded of the import of the holiday.

June 1st - can you believe it? I don't know about you, but I can't believe that summer has already begun.....
Hope you had a great weekend to inaugurate the season.

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