Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tonight is National Night Out

The City of Renton will be hosting a National Night Out at the Highlands Community Center located at 800 Edmonds Ave. NE tonight in honor of America's Night Out Against Crime. It begins at 4 and goes until 7:30, with kid's activities and a chance for adults to come to know neighbors and bring awareness to the concerns of keeping our neighborhoods crime free and safe places to live.

This program is designed to heighten awareness around crime and drug prevention, pull together the community to help support and protect one another, raise interest and support for anticrime efforts and the relationship between the community and the police force, but most importantly, to let the criminal element know that we are all fighting back.

How can you join in? Why just sit out on your porch tonight from 7 -10 pm, locking your doors with the outside lights on and spend the evening shooting the breeze with your neighbors and friends.
One small step - one moment of community and unification across the states.

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