Monday, July 13, 2009

Mad music talent in the DTR

Please excuse the shoddy mess of my recording skills- this was all on the fly, only had my Blackberry phone standing by and I didn't even catch the best of what this newly formed duo were laying down this weekend in the DTR.

But, let it be said here and now - that there is mad talent between these two and a musical collaboration that is hard not to notice immediately. Yorusalem has the pipes of Lauren Hill, and I wish I could have gotten my stuff together quickly enough so you wouldn't have to take my word on it.Hard to believe that they just met one another a week ago at the Common Ground Coffee and Cupcakes and things quickly moved from there.

Mike Dwyer and Yorusalem Zewolday just have the right feel for one another's music moves. Yorusalem has two other people she collaborates with, one is her fiance that writes more than he performs and leans towards hip hop/rap. Yorusalem has just begun to explore that side of the music scene, looking more for songs that speak of love and empowerment than anger and subjugation. Mike has seldom found a singer that the synergy has flowed so easily with and has a sensitivity and talent that quietly oozes from the guitar. Both may be showing up for a show on S. Third Street soon. If you see them jamming together, stop and take a listen.

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