Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pumpkin Muffinsmmmmmm.......!

I can't help it - I love to bake. Soooo there is going to be some foodies that might appreciate the moment or two that I take to moon over the goodies of the season - like pumpkin muffins. I like to go on the web and look for tasty recipes that contain ingredients that I think are necessary for a tasty baked morsel - in this case (as in many of my ventures in the oven arena), butter and a notion of good spices. I can improvise - no doubt- but I like to see a recipe that calls for more than just cinnamon - I mean, come on guys! When did Allspice and Mace fall off the face of the planet ? Here is the link to these very succulent pumpkin goodies - remember- don't grease the pan, just use the muffin papers and life will be good - real good.http://southernfood.about.com/od/pumpkinbreadrecipes/r/bl30202q.htm

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