Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Library's Discard Pile

Dumpster full of paperback books, torn by hand, and filled to the brim.

How to use $5 million new tax dollars at the Library or isn't it nice that they recycle (?)
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Anonymous said...

truly disturbing photo's lady P. At the very least show some respect for the earth, and recycle. It really isn't that hard.

Anonymous said...

OMG! The vote No team really needs to get over it. Seriously you are bringing too much attention to all the hate our evil empires don't want you to see. It's really annoying. Please just let us destroy the earth and take away your constitutional rights in peace. Is that too much to ask?

Lady P said...

That IS the recycling bin. Guess Renton Library was skirting the laws when selling the old books before- which KCLS is apparently giulty of ALSO each year. Bottom line- you can enforce the rule when you WANT to - or not. Seems like somebody would have loved those books - somewhere...

Anonymous said...

Lady P, I come to visit and what do I see..... books being savagely destroyed. They could have donated them to soo many needy groups. What a sin!

Anyway, how are you? I miss your wit and humor. I miss hearing your thrilling tales of sexy vampires.

I'm still doing the food blog. But recently have gotten back to my book blog. Unfortunately, it sends me into mood swings of whether or not I should continue. I have not been educated to write and I fear that it show.

Anyway, please come back. I need the sunshine you brought into my life.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how KCLS makes its decision about which books warrant recycling, whether they're under cost or copyright constraints in terms of seeking out viable alternatives (this might be something we book lovers should look into and provide), and what the cost is to tear all those books into shreds. I know that many of the used books I buy come with library stamps and I have always felt good about giving them a second life.

Paul Balcerak said...

Huh. Wonder what the rationale is. Reminds me of this story that came out a few months ago, where H&M in New York City was caught slashing up unsold clothes and chucking them into dumpsters behind the store.

Not saying that's what's happening here, but it does seem pretty wasteful. Has anyone actually talked to the library?

k.e.l.l.i.e. said...

This makes me so sad! Just have a box that says free... they would have been gone in no time!

Lady P said...

A Picaroon source asked the library's site manager, Aaron(sp?), within the hour of this shot being taken, why the books were torn and discarded. The answer was that it was against the law to donate books that had been "purchased" by the library. That Renton Public Library had been skirting the law with their book sales (the funds, unfortunately, never going to the library itself, but into a city general fund). But Fairwood Library, member of KCLS, has book sales! So, this answer just doesn't fit. The Picaroon was spotted taking the above shot by the head librarian. KCLS was working damage control on this issue asap. Big sigh.

Old Renton Book Exchange said...

Truly appalling behavior from an institution that should be teaching all of us to respect the written word in all its forms, not to mention the whole "environmental stewardship" issues this sight brings up. I mean, yeah, they are being recycled, but that is not exactly a carbon negative process now is it? Plus as an owner of a used bookstore this wastefulness just downright offends my sensibilities!

Marc said...

These books COULD have been donated, given to the new exchange bookstore on Wells St, or sold cheaply to generate revenue. This is why I voted "NO" and campaigned against being acquired by KCLS. Big bloated waste.


Andy said...

wow! :/

such a shame :/

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

this fits right in w/the utility bill I received from the city w/the Mayors little flyer in it. Again a captive audience - the statement was made that improvements were immediately made. Like our librarians being sent hither, thither and yon into KCLS land, never to assist our community members like they had in the past, or KCLS personnel frantically putting bar codes on all books, magazines, etc only to throw the discards away. NOW I ask who "throws away books"? Worked for a public agency that couldn't give away items that were purchased w/public money and they threw away items at the end of the year. Since we (citizens of Renton) originally purchased these items then why shouldn't we be able to sell them to ourselves. Not our fault the city had the proceeds of the discarded book sales going back into their big, black hole of a budget instead into the library budget. I do agree w/the mayor - there have been some improvements made - there are newer toliet paper and paper towel dispensers in the rest rooms. Remember Mr Mayor & city council members - WE WILL REMEMBER when it comes time to vote on the bond issue to replace the main library. Also, makes you wonder if all this was done to get the FAIRWOOD vote - sure hope they say no.

Celeste Gracey, said...

Hey, I finally had time to write as story about this. I talked to Bill Ptacek, KCLS director, and linked back to this post.

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