Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Saftey on the Trail - What I "can" say

There is a lot of "tooing" and "froing" on blogs, and Facebook and Twitter about the Cedar River Trail Harasser and I do not want to add to the confusion. When and if I can say something further, you know that I will. It will probably come down through some more official channels, so keep your eyes open to other sources as well. But do note: Nobody has been charged in the alleged Cedar River Trail incidents.

Sooo, please be safe on the trail. Call 9-1-1 if anyone intimidates or harasses you and follow-up with Cyndie Parks of the Renton Police Department's Crime Prevention Unit or Terry Higashiyami of the Renton City Parks Department.Why? Because when this occurs, a case needs to be built. And we still need your help.That's where that little word "alleged" comes in to the picture.

UPDATE: 1/28 The Renton Reporter's Celeste Gracey has written an update about this case and has a copy of the Press Release from the Police included - here is the link.

Cyndie Parks
Community Programs Coordinator/Crime Prevention Unit

Terry Higashiyami
Administrator Community Services/Renton Parks Dept.

PS - This guy is known and identified to the Police. This is not about figuring out who he is, or publishing his name or whereabouts. It is about victims coming forward and building a case.

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