Saturday, May 30, 2009

Renton Relay for Life

What was all that commotion over at the Renton Memorial Stadium - the loud speaker action, the cool tunes wafting over the warm river breeze? Renton Relay for Life - an inspiring overnight event that raises awareness for cancer, gives survivors a chance to celebrate, and families who have lost dear ones a chance to remember and give back.

I got there later than I should have this morning - the final ceremonies were all but completed, but still some people continued to circle the grounds. The involvement in Relay for Life helps support the American Cancer Society's programs, which is the largest source of nonprofit, non governmental cancer research funding in our nation. Stick that in your hat!

The crowd draws in people of all ages, backgrounds and persuasions. Cancer effects everyone's family. And I do mean everyone.

This cool map showed where all the participating Relay teams were - wow - quite a few teams out there. Kudos to all who were there!

For more info, visit
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