Monday, May 4, 2009

Last chance for the Museum - so dash!

There has been a great exhibit on at the museum, Renton Historical Museum that is, and if you haven't made a visit, this is the week to do so (the event closes this Saturday). Key Ingredients - America by Food is a traveling Smithsonian show that talks about the role food plays in our lives. America is such a wonderful melting pot of nationalities, all of whom have shared in what we individually come to think of as our family's usual table fare. How much do you really know about the food you eat, where it hails from and if you have that in common with others across the States? You can't help but enjoy the topic - Food - and there is an adjuct display created by Elizabeth Stewart and Sarah Iles of the musuem, that looks at Renton foodways in particular.
If you really love your food, you have an apron stashed away somewhere. Most likely it was a gift from someone - a handmade treasure passed down from a dear relative, or decorated by your grandkids at school. Every apron has a specific story - even if you only barbeque in yours once a year. All museum members, when they turned out for an event at the Key Ingredients exhibit, were asked to wear an apron. Everyone wearing one had a story connected to the apron they chose to bring - heartwarming stories, really. The apron string still ties some of us to our food culture today.
The museum is looking just wonderful these days, dressed in it's spring colors.

So drop by this week, walk through the exhibit that has nearly doubled the daily foot traffic the museum usually sees come through their doors. You won't be sorry - and you will definitely be feeling nostalgic at times and thinking some warm thoughts of your own traditions with food that began back at home.
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Paul Balcerak said...

Thanks for the review. We Tweeted it. Are you on Twitter by any chance? Just curious because we were hoping to give you a follow.

Lady P said...

Thanks for the "nudge" Paul - I was trying to figure out how to have two accounts, I couldn't access TWhirl, which is apparently very easy when over indulging in social media - anyways, I finally did it! And thanks so much for Tweetin my blog!

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