Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day - Ugh! But a free taco could be good

Here's hoping that you already have your taxes filed and in the mail, or efiled via something like CompleteTax, or went somewhere and got some help. But if you didn't, remember that you at least should get a copy of the Income Tax Extension Form, as shown above and get that out by tonight midnight.

Public Libraries are one of my favorite places on a normal day, but today they are as good as gold for all of you. All of the forms that you need can be found there. The library computers are also set up to download and print the forms from the IRS website.

Renton Main Library
100 Mill Ave. South
(425) 430-6610
Open until 9 pm

Renton Highlands Branch Library
2902 NE 12th Street
(425) 430 - 6790
Open until 7 pm

Only ONE post office will be open in our in our sortof immediate area until midnight to receive the tax returns. It is as follows:

Riverton Post Office
15250 - 32nd Ave. S.
Seattle (SEA TAC) 98188

Directions to get there: Take 405 South as if going to the airport. Take airport turn off, but take the Highway 99 at this point instead. Stay left and go straight. There will be a stop sign ahead and directly in front of that is the post office.

All other Renton post offices are only open until 5 pm today!!!

Hey - if you want a treat after all of that - you can have a TAX TACO for free! from Taco del Mar. TAXES SUCK, TACOS DON'T!! They are giving away free tacos to anyone who gives them their email address and then you can print a coupon and take it in for your tax treat. Get started by clicking on this link here.

Taco Del Mar
4004 NE 4th
(425) 271-8836

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Anonymous said...

Also, today is the last day of this year's United Way Free Tax Prep service. From 5-9pm at the Renton food bank (Salvation Army). Info here:

Free tax preparation is available for taxpayers who make less than $42,000 and who need basic tax returns.

It all done by volunteer tax preparers (full disclosure - I am one, but Tuesday was my night, so I'm not there today) and it can get busy - so get there early! If you show up at 5 when the doors open you may have a couple hour wait. Come after 6 or 7 and you might not get served.

Lady P said...

Excellent! Thanks for keeping us all posted and for your generosity with your time in volunteering!

Unknown said...

LOL I have a very good immune system, so I barely even notice I'm sick. My wife on the other hand gets floored by almost anything. :( We just came back from the doctor, actually. For a pharmaceutical chemist, I have very little faith in frontline antibiotics... anyway - I wanted to work on the Obama campaign, but didn't. I feel bad not participating in the incredible political turmoil of the day and so figured I could go to one of the Tea Parties so when my kids asked me what I did when all this was happening, I can tell them something. I also just like protesters in general.

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