Thursday, April 2, 2009

Now hear this - the Renton Reporter has spotted us

It seems that the gig is up - local Renton blogs have finally hit the Renton Reporter's radar. It was in print today, so it must be true. But I will tell you how the story truly goes. We have the lovely Liz Stewart, Renton Historical Museum Director, to thank for bringing us all into focus. Seems that while the latest museum exhibit was having it's key open house, there were two local bloggers on hand to report the event, and only that. So Liz "tweeted" as such to the local rag, got a kinda "Huh?" response, and cleared the confusion by listing off some of the local bloggers that she knew. So, now it seems that maybe that the Reporter will have a blog as well ? (Oh, or maybe just have us "log" on). I, personally, remain steadfastly independent. My comrade-in-arms are listed in my blogroll to the right. Let the fun begin.
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Anonymous said...

Could they have printed the links to our blogs any smaller? Yeah, that's right Reporter there are some very serious bloggers in town and we are all over your territory.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the shout-out, Lady P. To be fair, I couldn't say everything I would want to in a Twitter post, so here's the rest: I think it's bad for democracy and community-building that local papers are failing. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, the Renton Reporter is down to two editorial staff *and* they are trying to launch a more web-based local news source, while still maintaining a *free* print newspaper with declining ad revenues. Renton bloggers--Lady P and Miss Lynar are two--are doing a fantastic job, but there's a place in our world for print news and on-line news. So I say, to bloggers and Renton Reporter, keep up the great work! Liz

Lady P said...

You are absolutely right, Liz. I am completely saddened by the demise of the printed newspaper, sad that our community, being the 5th largest in our state, has so little news coverage and reporting. It takes the sum total of all of us to help see us through. I was just being a little "cheeky" in my post, as I want to do - but I am glad that ALL of us, Renton Reporter included, here to help get the word out!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog and nice comments. Blogging is truly great as papers seem to be failing. People like to get the information sooner than the paper allows. It is nice to know that we have independent bloggers out there in our town ready to get the info. to the public as it happens. Keep it up.

Feathered Nest said...

Glad to hear that Renton bloggers are getting mentioned! Way to go Liz and Patricia!

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