Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mrs. Smith goes to Washington

Today, Victoria Goetz heads off to the other Washington to meet with the movers and shakers, wielding her influence on behalf of the Renton Community Health Center, of which she is on the board, in the hopes of protecting things like Basic Health Care. Victoria is informed, impassioned and purpose driven - she deserves all of our best wishes, as she works on behalf of so many who need to have medical help and don't have employers who provide it or the income to pay for the coverage themselves. Times are tough, money might be taken away from programs to just balance the government's working budget, and trips to the ER might become de riguer for more and more folks. I can't even begin to speak on behalf of all that Victoria will stand for on her trip to D.C. - but I am so glad that we all have such an inspiring and intelligent person who cares to do so for us.
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Anonymous said...


Someone is going to Washington DC to get government to spend more money!

Or something....

Unknown said...

I am, thank you for asking! I'm sorry for the long delay. My wife actually had some free time over the last 4-5 days (she's in shcool full time, working full time and is heavily involved with a local volunteer organization) and our marriage has been hurting from the busyness. It just happens from time to time when you have two people living together. Anyway, I feel that I have taken care of what I need to take care of and will be jumping back into the recordings tonight.

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