Sunday, January 18, 2009

When the beer finds you...

I was out of beer- a lone bottle or two of some excellent stuff I picked up at Full Throttle Bottle, but nothing I felt like quaffing anytime soon. Soooo I go to the store with me Ma, and we both pick up a 6-pack of something that looks lovely. My purchase was recommended and endorsed by two men who couldn't help but point out how tasty Widmer's seasonal "Brrrrr" was. A big beer at 7.2%, just the way ole wimpy me likes 'em. Wimpy, because they put me under in no time and I have to warn the waitstaff at the pub to cut me off after the second pint, please. Big because my favorite beer weighs in at over 10%, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Walking home my neighbor, who just avoided the unhappy possibility of unemployment by leaving the craft beer world for Miller/Coors, leans over the fence to shoot the shit and pretty soon I have 11 more beers to put in my fridge - from famine to feast. Guess I won't have to worry about my job situation too soon, when I have a fridge full of fun to look forward to this month.
PS Just in case your neighbor is not as cool as mine, check out Full Throttle Bottles in Georgetown - tell Erica and Mike I sent ya!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it so much. In the spirit of partnering and new teams and such, perhaps I could ask you to add me to your bloglist or 'blogs I follow' to help me get some more exposure?

Yeah, that was shameless. I know. Sometimes you just have to go for it. ;)

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