Monday, January 12, 2009

We be jamming....

I am a bit mesmerized by the river, and so I walk it's edges and document the changes that have been wrought by the water and it's power.

As the water has abated, another pile of logs just south of those abutting the Williams Bridge has emerged. Hard to believe that a mere 3 or so days ago those were hidden from our view. There has still been no course of action taken to remove the logs, though many a male I know has offered their fair share of commentary on
that score. Men - always out to remove the problem, while the rest of us just look in wonder at it's shape and rhythm. The nature of the species and their differences, I guess.
Speaking of differences, notice the lovely yin/yang pattern in the debris beneath this tree - natural design. I stopped to photograph it for that very reason. Such simple beauty.
The weather has seemed a little more temperate to me, in my wanderings, though today, there was an ever present mistiness in the air and you felt a bit damp for that moisture just hanging in the air. The skies were grey with it.

I leave you with one last image today - the lonely, wet bench, where anyone is welcome to sit and get there feet wet and commune directly with the river. This seat has only become available just recently. The sand and silt have transformed the roots of a nearby tree and it's ivy. More patterns created by the whirling water's presence. Such beauty to behold in our everyday lives.

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