Thursday, February 5, 2009

Love the one you're with...

Back in 1976, a famous illustrator came up with a great slogan to help New York's economic development agency at a time when the recession was hitting everyone hard and the word bankruptcy was hanging in the air. Milton Glaser's design has lovingly been replicated and appropriated ever since, all across the world, even here in Renton. Mary Clymer, owner of Happy Delusions on S.Third, returned home to Renton last year and went to City Hall to get her "I Heart Renton" button, just like the one her grandfather wore everyday for 20 years back when she was growing up. None were to be had. So now Mary makes her own and sells them at her amazing store - for a dollar. At a time when many of our own pocketbooks are being hit and we are being called to spend locally, it doesn't hurt to show your good intentions on your sleeve - or jacket - wherever a cool pin for good 'ole Renton can be seen.
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Anonymous said...

Yeah! Great photo. Did you notice the green hearts. They we're made per your request.

Anonymous said...

I always forget that I have seen the whole "I heart New York" before but man I love these pins and t-shirts as well. Hey Lady P have you heard all about the "I heart Renton" T-shirt controversy?

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